Skincare Store

AnteAGE® products are always 100% cruelty, cell, paraben, and pathogen free. Our research team is constantly developing and testing new active ingredients for effectiveness, ensuring that anything we use is proven and safe for our customers.Your skin works hard to protect you every day. Stem cells within your skin contain hundreds of different Growth Factors & Cytokines used to manage the healing process or nearly flawless regeneration. These are the most intelligent anti-inflammatory agents in your body.

With young skin, our naturally occurring stem cells are robust and responsive, keeping skin smooth, elastic, and radiant. But as we age, we have fewer of these cells available to repair skin damage. Over time this damage adds up and our skin health deteriorates.

Growth Factors are now established by peer-reviewed research as the highest level of optimization in anti-aging skincare. The scientists behind AnteAGE have harnessed the healing power of stem cells to regain your skin’s ability to behave youthfully, and heal beautifully.

There are many differences in purchasing over the counter skin care versus medical grade skin care. Medical grade skin care:

  1. Better quality ingredients.

  2. More potent of those ingredients.

  3. High research standards, purity and safety regulated by the FDA. AnteAGE® growth factors are derived safely in an FDA-approved facility.

  4. Penetrates deeper into the skin. Products purchased from a store, online or a non-medical professional will only work on the outermost surface of the skin; sitting on the surface barely penetrating the deeper layers of our skin. This makes it safe to sell over the counter. Medical grade skin care products are formulated to be delivered to the dermis, the deeper portion of our skin. This is home to collagen scaffold, and collagen producing cells live. To make any real changes to the skin, the deep dermis has to be impacted.

  5. Medical grade can only be prescribed by a medical professional. Therefore, the products work. So, you will not be using more and purchasing more product to get mediocre results. You will likely need less product to make an impact.

  6. “Formulated for all”. Over the counter products need to be safe enough to sell over the counter, therefore products are not as potent and must work broadly on all skin types. Medical grade skin care is more specific.